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Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy First Blog Birthday, Southern In-Law!

Happy First Bloggiversary Southern In-Law! - Healthy Chocolate Cake

Note: On Southern In-Law's First Birthday the blog also became simply! 

In one year, this little blog has come so far. I am amazed and constantly blown away by what Southern In-Law has become - and it's all thanks to you. 

It's thanks to you, my beautiful readers and blog friends - many of which have become dear friends - that Southern In-Law is what it is today and what it will be in the future. 

Thank YOU!
I cannot thank you enough for accepting me, for excepting us, for sharing our journey, for loving our recipes, for leaving your sweet comments and sending heart warming emails, for subscribing to our newsletter, for pinning recipes and liking us on Facebook or following us on Instagram or Twitter, for sharing the blog with your friends, for making the recipes at home or at dinner parties. 

Because of you, there are so many incredible things happening in the Southern In-Law world that I can't wait to share with you.

Southern In-Law has become our baby - and a little "brand" of its own. In a silly little way, we think of the blog as a member of our family because it is a huge part of our lives. I have met with so many incredible people, worked with amazing brands and individuals and I can't wait to continue this journey. This first year has blown my mind and completely surpassed any expectation I ever had. 

Southern In-Law is only going to get bigger, better and more fabulous from here. With our wedding in October I want to share everything with you and we have lots of exciting plans around Sydney, Australia and the Globe. The blog is growing just as we are - and we can't wait to take you along on the journey, wherever life may take us. 

I wish I could sit down with all of you over a cup of tea and a piece of cake and give you all a great big hug - but know I would if I could! (and if you've met me, you know that I mean it!.... Perhaps we need a Southern In-Law tea party ;P). 

But do remember this; I'm just a not-even 21 one year old girl living in Sydney Australia who is completely and utterly real. I love my $8 Kmart cupcake pjs and wear fluffy socks constantly to keep my feet warm, I drink way too much tea and say 3000 words instead of 30 - and I have random moments where I dance like a chicken with it's head and right foot cut off. I'm just like you - or your neighbour or your sister - and I'm always going to stay real

This is just the beginning of Southern In-Law - and I can not wait to take you along with us on this crazy ride. 

And as for the cake, don't worry! The recipe is coming very soon - and it is AMAZING.

So tell me, what do you want to see on Southern In-Law? 
afterall, this blog is for you too!

Lots of love, Kristy and Jesse xo 
PS: Stay tuned for our long weekend recap, coming tomorrow

Don't worry that Google Reader is closing,  follow Southern In-Law on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestBloglovin and Feedly. You can also sign up to Southern In-Law's Weekly Newsletter here.


  1. Happy blog birthday! It is always a great accomplishment to be blogging for a year. That chocolate cake looks so great, I am excited for the recipe! :)

  2. Awesome! Happy 1st birthday, Souther in Law!!! I'm so curious to see what things you have in store in the near future. :D And I love that you're always keepin' it real, Kristy ;) Btw--your makeup in the last post looks gorrrrgeous!! Bold enough but still looking natural, in my opinion.

    1. Thank you, lovely lady!

      Nieves, who did my make up is incredible - and I'm so glad you said that as I said to her "I want something that's natural but looks impressive without being overdone" and even with my confusing advice, she did just that! I'm so happy that she managed to do exactly what I wanted and I know I'll be incredibly happy with my hair/makeup on our wedding day!

      Eek! Not long now!! :D

  3. I wish I could sit down with all of you over a cup of tea and a piece of cake and give you all a great big hug - but know I would if I could! (and if you've met me, you know that I mean it!.... Perhaps we need a Southern In-Law tea party ;P).


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