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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Father's Day Recipe Round Up

Healthy Recipes for Men

I often get emails from readers who are looking to make the switch to a healthy lifestyle for their family. Usually they have someone who just won't have a bar of healthy eating - and usually, it's either the kids.... or a fussy man. 

I tell people all the time that my greatest success with creating healthy recipes is actually getting Jesse to eat them. He's a Southern boy who grew up on fried foods, frozen fried foods, candy and just general junk food - he never even drank water! 

My love for healthy eating started young - at around 11 I refused to eat all fast food except Subway - only eating fruit cups at McDonalds if I had no where else to eat from. Why? Because the food made me feel sick and I knew from school that it wasn't good for me. 

Often times men are hesitant to commit to a healthy lifestyle because the food is too different, too fussy, too vegetable filled - and that's why I've worked to create healthy recipes that don't taste healthy at all. 

Here's a round up of Man Friendly Healthy Meals for Father's Day or any day! 

Man Friendly Healthy Breakfasts

Quinoa Banana Pancakes
gluten free, low fat, sugar free, clean eating friendly

Healthy Creamy Grits
low fat, gluten free, sugar free

Healthy Quinoa Pancakes
low fat, gluten free, sugar free, clean eating friendly

Man Friendly Desserts & Sweets

Healthy Chocolate Cake

gluten free, vegan, low fat
Our absolute favourite cake!

Healthy Apple Crumble Cake

Low fat, gluten free, vegan
This Apple Crumble Cake is a SIL Family favourite. You can also switch the apple for whatever fruit you like - we love using blueberries too!

Healthy Banana Bread

Healthy Banana Bread 
gluten free, low fat, sugar free, clean eating friendly
Another SIL family favourite! 

Healthy Cookie Cake

Healthier Cookie Cake 
low fat, gluten free

Healthy Polenta Banana Muffins

Polenta Banana Muffins
gluten free, low fat, clean eating friendly
Hearty, delicious muffins that are one of Jesse's favourites!

Man Friendly Meals

Healthy Tahini Soy Noodle Stir Fry

Gluten free, low fat, vegan, clean eating friendly 
Jesse likes his with chicken or beef - whilst I usually eat it with bucketloads of veggies! 

Healthy Creamy Potato Salad

Healthy Creamy Potato Salad
low fat, gluten free

Healthy Cajun Chicken Pasta

Cajun Chicken Pasta
gluten free, low fat

Healthy Chicken Bacon Rice Bowl

Chicken Bacon Rice Bowl
low fat, gluten free
Jesse's absolute favourite!


And there are dozens more man friendly recipes at our Recipe Page!

But tell me, how do the men in your life feel about healthy eating?
Jesse is all for it, but SIL Dad still needs some convincing - he'll eat things when they're offered, but not every day (but that's also because I don't cook for him every day!)

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  1. My brother is such an unhealthy eater, but my mom just keeps buying him crap food against my pleas! He pretty much just eats pasta, pizza, ice cream, mashed potatoes, and frozen pizza bites. Crazy when he is MY brother. But he is also the skinniest 19 year-old college boy!

    1. Oh my Mum does the same for my Dad and it drives me crazy - Mums just don't like to cause conflict!

      Unfortunately boys tend to get away with unhealthy eating - but then it really catches up with them later on!

  2. My husband's not that into healthy eating, but he does love your chicken parmesan rice bakes!

  3. If you cook for yourself and Jesse every night how come you don't cook for your whole familyi, including your dad?

    1. I do cook for my family from time to time, however, my Mum usually cooks for herself and my Dad as they like to eat different things that Jesse isn't a fan of. It seems a little bit odd - but that's just how we do it!


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