We're on the final countdown. We have 6 days to go, Wesley is here from Louisiana, the suits are all ready to go, Katrina's dress needs a few things tweaked and it's good, my dress is sitting and waiting for me for Saturday, the caterer is booked, dinner with our incredible photographers done, boys shoes purchased, my shoes worn in, details finalised - it's all go go go.

First we let Wesley come home and shower and then we started off with a suit fitting to check and see if Wesley's measurements he sent were right (which they weren't - so good thing we went!) and then went to pick up shoes for the boys and a few last minute things.
Alexandria Mall is a wholeeeeeeeee lot different to our malls here. It's one level, has about 30-40 stores so even the "small-ish" Hurstville Westfield was a huge change.
Then after a nap and some down time, we headed into the city for the absolute insanity Navy Fleet Review Fireworks and joined the ridiculous crowds. The whole SIL family came, plus Wesley and Katrina's friend so we tried to keep the seven of us together whilst being pushed and shoved and squished.
I love Sydney, but hot damn people have no manners during events like that. I'm really sick at the moment with the flu and I was coughing like a mad woman and completely lost my voice so it wasn't the best idea - and the boys were also completely overwhelmed and HANGRY as we couldn't get food until almost 9pm.
Everyone always says oh it must be hard being a coeliac and packing food all the time but in reality, when everyone else is starving and waiting to eat and you have your food in your bag, you kinda win at life?
Side note: peanut butter and coconut butter sandwiches are the best (mix them together PB&J style)
Speaking of food, those of you who have been asking what happened with our catering situation - it's all sorted! We've gone with Flavours Catering who have worked with me to create a custom menu to suit everyone's needs. It's entirely gluten free but absolutely freaking delicious. Here is just some of what our guests will enjoy at the wedding (if Jesse and I don't eat everything first!). It's all clean, fresh, healthy food too which is perfect for Jesse and I - and I mean, it is a Southern In-Law wedding!
But tell me, what do you think Wesley MUST DO whilst in Sydney?
Stay tuned for our adventures while he's here!
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