Helllllllooooooooo, friends!
It's Friday and again and because this week was a short week (Monday was a public holiday), I am all sorts of confused. But I also cannot wait until the weekend so I'm not sad that it's Friday already 😉
But before we get to the weekend, I've got to catch you up on the week!
So let me share what's been happening in our world recently! >>
Recent Puppyness: Lots and lots and lots of snuggles have been happening lately.
Trixie is currently snuggling on my lap and making it a little awkward to type - but she's cute and snuggly and warm so I don't mind.
During the day you'll find her tucked up in our bed. She puts herself there, snuggles under the blankets and will stay there all day long - unless this really annoying bird comes into the backyard - then both her and Chanel are out there watching it.
It's a tiny little Magpie Lark that sits on the fence and calls out to the dogs, watching them and dipping it's head down to taunt them - jumping all over the garden so they chase it... it's quite funny, really.
Speaking of funny birds, I've just worked out that our bird mimics my camera shutter sound when I take photos. It sits on top of it's cage and bangs the little bell it has on it's swing against the cage so it makes a similar sound.

Recently Reading: ALLLLLLLL THE BOOKS!
I've been borrowing a bunch of eBooks from our local library, buying lots of eBooks on the Kobo Store (and I discovered they have a huge section of free eBooks) and buying lots of books at the bookstore.
I bought 11 books the other day from the bookstore and the lady at the counter was like "ughhhhhhh! she didn't put them away!" (talking about the other helper in the store) and I said "oh no, um... they're actually all mine".
And I would have bought more... but I only had a small bag and I couldn't fit all of these in as is!
But it's not just me who's reading! Lately Jesse has caught the reading bug too! He's been reading Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller Chronicles and loving it. If you're a Harry Potter fan (like Jesse), definitely put them on your TBR list!
Recently Purchasing: ALL THE CHOCOLATE! I went to the Fashion Spree Factory Outlet Centre in Liverpool and they have a new Lindt Chocolate shop which had half price Lindt blocks - so I stocked up!
It was chocolate heaven....
And they had Lindt hot chocolates and all these delicious looking treats but I had to head back to work so it was just a quick stop for me!
Recently Wearing: All the cute flats. These are a recently new pair and they are SO comfy!
Recently Enjoying: Couch shopping with my parents. Jesse was at a barbeque with friends and I joined my parents to shop for a new lounge.
Which meant I just got to sit on ALL THE LOUNGES!
Recently Looking At: Paint colours. For my office.... who knew there were so many shades of white?
I'm going with the whitest of whites.
Recent Views: Fog, fog and more fog. We've had quite a few foggy mornings lately and that means my usual river view is kind of hidden underneath it all.
Recently Looking For: A cute white lace dress for a photoshoot we've got planned. I need something that's knee length - but I'm finding that my long legs mean that most knee length dresses end up as mid thigh dresses and longer dresses just look awkward.
Above are some of the ones I've been looking at on ASOS's website.
Recently Sharing: This Secretly Healthy Chocolate Cake Recipe and this No Bake Cinnamon Raisin Cookie Dough Bites Recipe... both of which are SO good and both of which you should probably make this weekend!
But tell me, how has your week been?
What's your favourite kind of chocolate?
And what do you have planned for the weekend?
We're going to a movie tomorrow night but it's supposed to be rainy and cold so I know it's going to take all my willpower to actually go because it means walking and catching the train in the rain! 😝
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