Truth moment: I'm writing this post to you really early on Thursday morning - not Friday. Why? Because as we speak, I'm away from home with my family for my Grandmother's funeral.
It's been a crazy full on week - but amongst the sadness of losing a relative, there has also been lots to celebrate. So let me catch you up on the week that was.
Here's what's been happening in our world recently >>
Recently Remembering: My Nanna - and also appreciating my family, as crazy and unique and different they are. We are so blessed.
Recent Reads: On the weekend I read Mama Tandoori (in a day - a super quick read) and I'm not sure how I feel about it. The start I really liked, but the middle and end kind of bored me. I'm going to say it's a bit of a so-so read.
Recent Books I LOVED: I'm a picky book reader - but here are my favourite reads from the last few weeks.
Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Charlotte Butterfield - AMAZING. I couldn't get enough of this story. It hooked me in from the very beginning and I devoured it in just a few days. It took so many twists and turns I wasn't expecting and I turned the last page desperately wanting more. Definitely a must read!
Reach For The Stars by Colleen Coleman - I LOVED this book! The characters and storyline hooked me in and I ended the last page wishing there was 100 more! This was the first of Colleen's books I've read and I have already purchased Don't Stop Me Now!
Head Over Heels by Jill Mansell - I love Jill Mansell's books and this one was no different. I loved every second of it - the characters and story line are so rich and vibrant and really hook you in! A perfect vacation read.
Recently On Repeat: This song. Love love love it. Actually, you can listen to my whole Worship playlist here - that's pretty much on repeat all day err'day.

Recently Working On: A bunch of different photo and video shoots for clients. Here's a little peek - a super cute unicorn outfit and a men's Melbourne Cup Day outfit.
Recent Fun: Packing our Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes! This year we did three girls as we alternate between boys and girls each year, doing one box for every age group.
Recently Thankful For: Our church family. We are SO lucky to be apart of a church that feels like home. After getting back from Hawaii it was so nice to get back to our friends that feel more like family - and it makes us realise just how lucky we are to feel that way. We're so different. Different ages, different interests, different lifestyles - but we're all united by Christ and have the most amazing friendships because of that.
Recently Enjoying: ALL THE PUPPY SNUGGLES! The worst thing about being away from home is being away from the puppers! Luckily my Uncle will be here to watch them and keep them company!
But tell me, how has your week been?
What have you enjoyed this week?
And what are you thankful for?
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