Well hey! Happy Friday!
It's been a short week for us this week after a long weekend so Friday has kind of crept up on us - but I am so glad the weekend is almost here because this week has been a little bit manic and I'm so ready for a fresh start.
But before we can get to that, I've got to catch you up on the week!
Here's what's been happening in our world recently! >>
Recent Photos: Not that many. This week has been kind of ordinary. It rained most of the weekend so we either stayed inside or went out shopping and then the week was work, work, work, a specialist appointment for Jesse (goodish news, thankfully) and more work.
Recent Purchases: My new MacBook Pro! After a two week wait, it finally arrived in store! And me oh my is she fancy. Also, I now have the perfect excuse to take ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL THE PHOTOS because I had it upgraded with 1TB of memory - and it has better specs than my PC so I may be working from the couch forever.
Recently Reading: The Goose Road (a really interesting historical fiction that's heartbreaking, heartwarming and eye opening all at once). I haven't had much reading time this week as I've been busy with work and other things - but I'm almost finished Shelter in Place and MY WORD it is good. Creepy and confronting and real and so good.
If you like crime books, you need to get Shelter in Place ASAP!
Recent Giggles: Because apparently I'm a 7 year old boy.
Truth be known, my Dad actually pointed that out.
And yes, we were "shopping" at Bunnings. Because we were looking at toilets and I was buying ALLLLLLLLLLLL the plants.
Recently Wishing: I was a dog. My dogs seriously have the best life. Snooze all day, sleep all night.
Recently Stalked By: My husband.
I asked him about 3 billion times on Monday if he would go for a walk with me - to which he answered no - but as I was walking around the park he asked me how far I was and then all of a sudden sends me a photo of me from behind.
I'd passed him up thinking "Jesse would have been fine, there's people here walking even slower than him" - not realising it actually was him. He'd decided to join me, taking a shortcut to try and get to where I was. The walk didn't last very long though - but I'll just make him join me another day.
Recent Flashback: Two year old Kristy with some crazy hair. What on earth was my hairstylist mother thinking. I wasn't even an eighties baby!
And it's too bad instagram wasn't around when I was three, because I had that pensive "sitting casually on the couch" pose down pat! 😝
Also, note the massive bruise on my leg. This just proves I've always been clumsy.

Recent Posts: This week on the blog I shared my latest decor theme with my list of House Plants That Are Hard to Kill and Boho Home Styling Inspiration on a Budget as well as a deeeelicious Raw Vegan Cinnamon Donut Bliss Balls Recipe.
But tell me,
How has your week been?
What's the last thing you laughed at?
And what's something awesome that's happened in your world this week?

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