Hellooo! Happy Friday!
We've almost made it to the weekend once again! This week has been a busy one for me, but also a really productive one - so I'm looking forward to some time off to relax and work on some fun little projects.
But before I can get to the weekend, I've got to catch you up on our week!
Here's what's been happening in our world this week! >>
Recently Watching: Captain Marvel with friends last night. I'll be totally honest and say that, everytime I see a trailer for a new Marvel movie I'm like ughhhhh, another one?
But it was actually pretty good! The first half was verrrry slow, but the second half was perfect!
Recently Laughing At: This meme. SO bad... but so funny.
Recently Playing With: Easter craft ideas! My DIY Curious Easter Bunny Pots have been stupidly popular this week and it inspired me to come up with some new ideas... here's one I quickly dick a mock-up of!
What do you think; do you want to see some Easter crafts again this year? What would you like a tutorial/DIY for?
Recently Puppiness: Chanel has been the snuggle queen this week! I think it's because the weather has been gloomy and grey (Autumn seems like it has arrived) but I don't mind because I never say no to puppy snuggles!
Recently Reading: ALLLL the books! Jesse has been catching up on Game of Thrones before the new season comes out, and since I'm not really a GoT fan, I've been reading instead!
The Quiet at the End of The World was another incredible book from Lauren James (she seriously needs to start screenwriting because her books would make incredible tv series/movies).
Diving Into Glass was a bit of a so-so read for me (though I really wanted to love it!).
And After She's Gone was one I just couldn't put down. So good!
Recently Scared By: This cheeky lizard. Can you spot him?
I was pointing out the weird orange rock to Jesse, saying how strange it looked, when I saw something "slither" down out of the corner of my eye.
Jesse had been saying the whole time we were walking "watch out for snakes..." snakes snakes snakes (because he's a scaredy cat who didn't grow up bushwalking in Australia 😜) and all of a sudden I was like OHMYGOSHHE'SRIGHTWE'REGOINGTODIE...
But then I saw it was a little lizard and continued thinking he was a drama queen 😉
Recently Proud Of: My pineapple baby!!!
A year and a bit ago, I jokingly decided to grow a pineapple after pulling the crown off the top of a pineapple I'd bought to eat and sticking it in an empty pot in the garden.
Literally all I did was pull it off and place it on top of the soil and I thought that in a week or so it would be dead...
But I was wrong...
It grew... and grew... and outgrew the pot... and grew some more... and then this past weekend, I noticed the little bit of red at the top and poked my head over and saw the pineapple flower!
I was stupidly excited... probably more excited than one should be over a plant... but YOU GUYS!!! I'm going to have a baby pineapple in 6 or so months 😜
Don't worry, I'm sure I'll keep you updated on the progress #proudpineappleparent
Also, notice that there's a second pineapple plant to the left... that's only a few weeks old but I need to find a bigger pot for it!
There is a real baby on the way too! My beautiful friend Claire is expecting a sweet baby boy and Jesse and I couldn't be happier for her and Eric! This is one prayed for baby and we cannot wait to "meet" him! (And hopefully meet all three of them in person in the not so distant future!)
Recently Posting: These INCREDIBLE cookies. The Best Soft and Chewy Snickerdoodle Cookies Recipe is also vegan and gluten free and so so good. We're obsessed!
But tell me,
How has your week been?
What's the weirdest thing you've ever grown in your garden?
I'm not a very adept gardener, but I feel pretty accomplished growing a pineapple plant... even if all I've done is plonk it in some dirt and neglect it...

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