Hello there! Happy Friday!
Oh what a week it has been. It's the end of the financial year here in Australia which means my clients want ALLLL the things done, so I've been scrambling around like a headless chook trying to get everything done (so I can then start work on all of the new client projects for clients who have been waiting for the new financial year). I'm so grateful for the work - but I'm also so grateful for the weekend.
But first I have lots to catch you up on!
Here's what has been happening in our world this week! >>
Recent Fail: I printed our annual photobook on PhotoBox and realised too late that I forgot a handful of photos from our Disneyland trip and I put one photo in their twice.
Fellow perfectionists will understand how much this irritates me 😜If they have an epic sale on where Photobooks are super cheap I may reprint it... but I added 100 extra pages and it was not cheap soooo I may just print those extra photos at Kmart and stick them in an envelope to tuck into the book. (Even though that's also irritating my need for perfection... but I know if they stay on my computer we'll never look at them)...
Maybe I just add a section in next year's book that says "Kristy forgot these last year" or a little throwback feature 😝😝😝
Recently Wishing: I had a time machine so I could be a property mogul 😛We literally could have bought an entire suburb with our house deposit.
Recently Watching: ALLL THE MOVIES! Because we've both been sick for the last month we didn't get to see the movies we wanted to see, so last weekend we saw two!
We finally saw Aladdin (and LOVED it! - Jesse was so skeptical of Will Smith as Genie but he owned that role) and then we saw Toy Story 4 and I totally cried my way through it. It wasn't even that sad - I think I was just sad because it was all over and poor Woody wasn't loved like he should be 😜
Recently Reading: One REALLY great book and a bunch of not so great ones.
I read through The Whisper Man SO quickly because it was seriously the best crime/thriller book I've read this year. SO dark and creepy and just when you think you've figured it out, everything changes.
I was a bit so-so about Devil's Lair as it felt like a huge chunk of "filler" had been placed into the middle of the story - but I did enjoy the last part of the book. I also didn't like A Lifetime of Impossible Days as it was so long and drawn out.
Recently Loving: How insanely popular The Ultimate Gluten Free Guide to Disneyland has been! I am actually a little shocked at just how popular it has been - but I'm so glad it has helped so many people.. and I'm so glad that so many of you are also Disney addicts like us!
I had an awesome email from someone who was at Disneyland this week and ate their way around the parks using the guide and it made me SO happy!
So if you've read it and use it, please email me and tell me all about your vacation (and share photos!) because I loveeee hearing about Disneyland adventures!
I also got quite a few questions from people wanting to see Disney World/international Disney park guides and I'm hoping that we will get to the parks in the future to do that too. At the moment it's just Disneyland... but who knows what tomorrow holds! I'm really wanting to go to some of the Asian Disneylands because they look incredible. I know food will be an issue though so I think they will be really interesting to share too.
Recently Posting: This DEEEELICIOUS Creamy Strawberry and Banana Smoothie Recipe! anddd yes, I know I said I don't have smoothies that often... but lately the blender has been out and I've been whizzing up a whole heap of delicious smoothies.
But tell me,
How has your week been?
What's the last movie you saw at the cinema?

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