Helloooo, friend! Happy Friday!
If I was speaking to you in person right now, I'd be veerrryyy stuffy and nasally because somehow I've come down with a head cold this week and it's not very fun 👎
So far I'm the only one who is sick so here's hoping it stays that way and we can enjoy the long weekend!
This is Jesse's first Australia day as an Aussie so we're celebrating with friends, eating lots of delicious food and soaking up the extra day off work. But before I get to that - i've got to catch you up on the week!
Here's what's been happening in our world this week! >>
Recently Confused: By the weather. This week has been boiling hot (over 40 degrees celsius/104 degrees fahrenheit), strangely cold (under 20 degrees celsius/68 degrees farenheit) and then rainy, windy, hailing, blue skies, smokey skies - pretty much every possible weather combination in one week.
Luckily the hailstorm didn't hit hard where we live. We had maybe a handful of hail (is that right? ... handful of hail cubes? a dozen pieces of hail? who knows...) but it pretty much melted as soon as it hit the ground.
Our swimming pool went from way below the normal water level to lapping at the top of the pavers and back again - and my plants went from super dry and lapping up every bit of water from the watering can each night to pretty much drowning in their pots.
WEIRD weather. We are so lucky that we haven't been hit by bushfires - but we're thinking of our fellow Aussies who are dealing with fires (or fearing them approaching) on top of this weird weather too.
Recently Reading: A bunch of not-so-great books, to be honest. My pile of books to go to the secondhand bookstore is not at my hip level so it's time to drop them off.
I started Platform Seven by Louise Doughty and was really intrigued... but it was soooooooooooo slowwwwww. Halfway through, it picked up a bit.. but then went back to being slow and so much of it didn't make sense/didn't match up and I just didn't love it.
I finished Elevator Pitch as well and found it a bit so-so. Kind of predictable and not the kind of book I was anxious to keep reading.
If you've got a good book recommendation, please share it with me!
My potential reads for this weekend are:
- It's Always the Husband
- The House of Brides (love a good thriller!)
- If You Could Go Anywhere
I'm trying to read through my unread books on my bookshelves and I'm slowly making my way through them!
Recently Wanting: ALLLLL THE CUTE Disney tees. Aussie friends, Big W has the cutest Disney tees in store right now - including this Mickey and Minnie Lunar New Year tee a friend sent me!
Also.... I feel like I might have accidentally discovered that the Disney store is coming back to Australia... or at least online. I saw a job add for Shop Disney AU/NZ and umm... YESSS! Goodbye money, hello happiness.
If you're reading this Disney, hello I love you. Let's be BFFs. (Also, don't sue me if this isn't supposed to be public knowledge... 😂)
Recently Making: WAFFLES... and casually blowing the fuse in our kitchen...
I bought a new waffle iron last Friday from Kmart (total impulse purchase.. but it was a flippy one and only $29 so I bought it and on Saturday morning, got to work on making some waffles for Jesse and I... only to realise the light on the machine wasn't working.
And then my kettle wasn't working.
And the microwave display was off.
And nothing was happening.
Because I'd blown the fuse. Whoops.
Now I know. Don't use the kettle and the waffle iron at the same time.
Oh and don't worry, I'm sure there will be more waffle recipes in your future 😉
Recently Playing: Board games with friends... and realising that none of us are psychics 🤣 Medium is such a fun game though. Basically, you have to try and guess what the other player is thinking - but then you realise just how weird your friends' brains are... or your husbands 😛
So frustrating and so fun all at once!
Recently Posting: This DEEELICIOUS Gluten Free Cornflake Cookies Recipe. I've been getting so many questions about them this week.
They are definitely an Australian/British thing, but trust me when I say you NEED to make them.
The addition of cereal in cookies is a special kind of magic and you may never want to eat a "regular" cookie again.
But tell me,
How has your week been?
And what's the best thing you've cooked/eaten this week?
Also, regular comments are back! I switched back this week to make things easier so you can now comment from any device with ease (hopefully!). If not, let me know so I can make some more tweaks!
I've also been switching up our Recipe Page this week so I am slowly getting through each of the categories and linking everything together.

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Ha! I'm so used to going up to the top of the page, switching off my ad blocker and reloading it so I can comment. This is so much nicer :)
ReplyDeleteMore waffle recipes please :D We're making pancakes this weekend so I'm pretty sure that will be the best thing I ate all week. I could eat breakfast for every meal.
Oooh! Book recommendation for you! I devoured "The Woman Who Fooled the World" yesterday--like I read the wholeee thing in two sittings. Even though I remember following the news story years ago, the book is so well-written and I couldn't put it down.
Haha, i'm so glad! That makes sense why Disqus didn't work though - I never thought of ad blockers because I don't use them!
DeleteFunnily enough, I'm reading The House of Brides and the main character has a real Belle Gibson vibe... the author pretty much took her life and used it as a storyline.