Hello there! Happy Friday!
Yep, that's right! I'm really back. New recipe, recent things post and a whole heap of posts planned. We've been renovating up a storm (seriously, I don't remember the last weekend there wasn't sounds of hammers or paint brushes or sanding at our house) and I'm so excited to share everything with you.
From giving our granny bathroom a face lift to the epic kitchen renovation, it's all coming soon - but first I want to catch you up on what's been happening!
Here's what we've been up to >>
Recently Moving: Allll of our kitchen stuff from upstairs back downstairs now that our new kitchen is functional!
One of my genius ideas with the kitchen was to add two extra pantries next to our garage door and I am SO glad that I did, because those cupboards are now where you'll find all of my (way too many) appliances on the left and all of our entertaining crockery on the right. SO convenient to have everything in the kitchen instead of other places like i've always had before.
Recent Destruction: And whilst our new kitchen was finished and we finally cleaned up all of the renovating mess, we started a whole new mess upstairs.
Literally 2 seconds after we moved the final kitchen items downstairs, Jesse started dismantling the old kitchen.
The old kitchen space is going to become an office nook - but we've got a few challenges. We're going to have the plumber come to either remove or move the plumbing (and then create a little coffee station with sink) and we're going to add VJ panels to the walls to cover up the many, many, MANY holes.
The alternative would be getting a gyprocker in, however, I think the VJ board could be a cheaper and better looking option because gyprock patching is never perfect and this room has so much sun you'd see every bump and blemish.
We might have to share this process because everytime I mention it on Instagram I get so many questions.
Jesse also tore up all the tiles so our new flooring can be laid on top at the end of next month!
Recent Additions: We finally pulled our new coffee machine out of the box and I am OBSESSED.... but not drinking coffee right now because it still sounds gross.
Instead I've been warming up with alllll the frothy hot chocolates.
Recent Creating: Our Disney selves... like the rest of the world! Someone told me I looked like I belong with Tinker Bell in Pixie Hollow and I totally see it whilst Jesse thinks he belongs in a Pixar film 😅
Recent Buying: ALLL the cheap plants! We have an awesome nursery near us with an ex-rental section where the plants are super cheap - so I picked up this golden palm to fill the space in our living room and it's so lovely to have something fresh and green in there. It's now in a pot and living its best life.
Recent Eating: ALLL the toasted sandwiches... specifically on gluten free turkish bread.
Because you can't eat cold deli meats while pregnant, I've been eating steaming hot toasted sandwiches and it's winter lunch heaven!
As well as toasted sandwiches, I can't get enough of pregnant friendly "Greek Salads". Do I miss feta? Yep. Is it a big deal to not eat it until this little guy arrives? Nope. Just give me allll the olives.
Recent Mishaps: The car is all fixed now, but the day after I told Jesse we were having a baby, I called him on his way to work and heard "ummm, so I'm not going to work today".
The reason? He had been t-boned by another car and the front of his car was totally wrecked. He had to climb out of the passenger side door because his door wouldn't open and his car spent over a month in the shop getting fixed.
Recent Plans: We've taken the carpet off the stairs and removed the tiles from the kitchen and at the end of next month, we'll have brand new hybrid floors!
Since getting pregnant, I cannot be upstairs for longer than 5 minutes without sneezing my head off (carpet/dust allergies) so I can't wait to be able to enjoy being upstairs again haha.
Once the new floors are in we'll finally be able to install the bookshelves and cupboards and set up the upstairs the way we want to. Everything has been in a kind of limbo while we waited for the floors because we didn't want to fix things to the walls and then not be able to move them/have things change height etc.
We're also starting our granny bathroom makeover downstairs. On the weekend we smashed the mirror into a million pieces trying to get it off (unavoidable because of the way it was stupidly attached) and discovered there used to be a medicine cabinet there because we have a lovely hole in the wall 😝
Jesse has been filling holes and sanding every since and has got the undercoat of paint on, ready for the new colour. From there we'll remove the vanity, paint the wall and floor tiles and put a new vanity in and we'll be done. I'm thinking we'll also spray the bath tub (currently blue) but we might leave that til last because the blue toilet also has to stay... and maybe having a blue toilet and bath will make sense.
Recent Baby Updates: Baby boy is 15 weeks (almost 16) and extremely wiggly and thankfully growing and measuring perfectly.
I've been able to feel him wiggling around but I am so excited for him to get bigger so Jesse can feel him too. We're lucky that our obstetrician has an ultrasound machine in his rooms so we get to see our little guy every four weeks at our appointments - and I'll then have a 20 week morphology scan in a few weeks at a separate ultrasound clinic where they'll check to make sure everything is fine.
I was totally worried our NIPT test had the wrong gender (not that I'd be sad if he was indeed a girl - I would just have a lot of boy things to return 😅) but at our last ultrasound he made it preeeeetttyyy clear that they were right... and our OB and midwife assured us they've never had a patient who was given the wrong results.
I'm at the part where I'm starting to look at prams and cribs and all those baby things and it is all so overwhelming. So many choices and brands claiming they have the best and blah blah blah. I know I'm not the only one feeling that way and lots of you have been asking for baby guides and recommendations so I think I'll have to work on putting together some things for you.
Recently Enjoying: The winter sunshine whenever possible - and being able to go for walks again!
When I was dealing with horrible morning/all day sickness I was stuck inside all the time and couldn't go for walks because I would just end up feeling worse - but now I'm back to feeling like my normal self and enjoying my daily walks. It is a bit chilly in Sydney but you'll find me in all the layers and wearing a beanie to counteract the winter chill.
But tell me!
What has been happening in YOUR world?
One thing I've loved since announcing that we're expecting is that so many of you have sent messages and emails and left comments - even if you've been reading for the last 10 years and have never reached out before. I LOVE getting to chat to you guys!

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