Hello there! Happy Friday!
If you're in lockdown like us at the moment, you probably woke up wondering what day it was (both Jesse and I thought it was Saturday... such a bummer 😅) - but it is indeed Friday!
Whilst we are in lockdown, I have a fair bit to catch you up on so I thought I'd quickly put together a post before I go and have a COVID test (a new necessity to go to my obstetrician appointments!). Oh pandemic life, how I loathe thee!
So let me catch you up on what's been happening! >>
Recently Celebrating: My birthday! Yesterday was my birthday and I had a pretty low key, chilled out day and spent it reading and gardening and soaking up the sun - but a few of my lovely friends decided to surprise me with lockdown gifts!
My sweet friend Bec surprised me with a delivery of gluten free and vegan treats
and then the doorbell rang a little while later and it was one of my beautiful friends and her daughters doing a lockdown flower delivery.
It stinks so much not being able to hug friends and have them over, but all of the birthday wishes and phone calls and text messages and surprises made the day extra special.
I just can't wait until we can see eachother in person again!

Recently Working On: Digging up a giant rock in our backyard.... and making it look like we're building a sandpit 😅

Our backyard currently looks like one giant backyard because we don't have a fence between us and our neighbours (thanks to lockdown stopping all construction work in our area when we were both mid way through projects!) but we've been working on removing the garden beds on one side of our yard to lay new turf in Spring.
Butttt, to lay new turf, we needed to get rid of a giant sandstone rock that was buried in the garden beds so we decided to experiment with how we could get rid of it.
At first we were going to rent a jackhammer, however, the tool hire place is just outside of our local government area and because we're in lockdown, we couldn't go and pick it up... so we dug out the hammer drill and dug bit by bit by bit.
It's MUCH slower than a jackhammer, but we've made some serious progress and hope we can get the rest of the rock crushed over the weekend so the next step is done!
Recently Reading: More books than I have been this entire year 😜
Lockdown has given me more time to read - and we brought my chaise lounge from my office out into the dining room in the sun so I have the ultimate reading spot.
Lately I've read Where the Grass Is Green (not really a fan, I just couldn't get into it),
The Heart Principle (LOVED it! Could not put it down), Did You Miss Me (a bit slow and hard to get into) and The Unusual Abduction of Avery Conifer which was very slow to get into and then not my favourite book.
Not the greatest success rate this week, however, I have a copy of Sandie Docker's latest novel to read and I know I'll love that one!
Recent Surprises: Does anyone remember when we grew plum trees from seed?
Well, when we moved into our house we planted two and one died off completely and the other looked like it was dead so we were just about to pull it out and replace it with another plant when all of a sudden it came back to life and started looking super healthy!
Now we're wondering if we leave it to grow for a bit or pull it out, but so far so good!
Recently Eating: Dinner cooked by Jesse! I prepped all the sides and Jesse manned the barbecue last night and made the most delicious dinner! Lamb leg steaks, garlic and oregano potatoes cooked on the barbecue, corn on the cob and pregnancy friendly greek salad (no feta). Simple but SO delicious!
Recently Posting: The most DELICIOUS Gluten Free Peanut Butter Stuffed Brownie Cookies Recipe. Trust me when I say you NEED to try these!

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