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Monday, January 21, 2013

A Christmas Recap (WAY Overdue!)

Hey there! Guess what.....
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
and I have lots to share!

So much, in fact, that I can't fit it all in one post (without boring you all to death, that is!) - so let's go back to Christmas!

No, that isn't Santa on the right up there... that would be my Dad (HI DAD!) and yes, that would be Jesse behind me and Katrina on the left.

For the first time ever, we spent Christmas away from home - and instead enjoyed incredible views of Sydney Harbour over in Rose Bay where we relaxed for almost a month (can you say spoilt?! - very, very thankful however!)

It was so good to have Jesse back home again and he slotted right back into Australian life - from running around with me to work meetings to re-acquainting himself with frequented hot spots such as Coles and Woolworths (read: grocery stores).

But I'm going off track - back to Christmas!

Christmas Tree - Rose Bay - Christmas 2012

We mightn't have had Christmas at our house - but we still had a tree! (with our baubles!)

Shanaynay - Christmas 2012
And quirky personalised gifts! You see, my sister Katrina has an alter ego - Trina. Trina is a fierce mamajama who you'd want to run away from whenever she's around. The joke continued and we now all have alter egos. I'm Shanaynay, Jesse is Antoine, my Mum is Bonifa, my Dad is Bonquiqui, Chanel is Natrelle and Gizmo is Glozell. Don't ask

Speaking of gifts, Jesse did a super good job this year! Knowing I love pearls, he went searching for the perfect bracelet - and settled on this one, engraved with "I love you" and our initials.

Personalised Engagement Bauble - Christmas 2012 - Christmas Ornament

I got this beautiful personalised ornament for Jesse and I from a very talented Etsy artist, SarEi. She hand painted the ring to match my own engagement ring and it is exact to the finest details.

Jesse also got a Pokeball ornament which was handmade by my sister! She's the clay queen and did a super good job!

Of course, there's something you should know about me - I'm really good at making ridiculous faces. Seriously good. Generally speaking, if you put a camera in front of me I become realllyyy awkward and start making silly faces. 

Kristy - Elf Costume - Christmas 2012Kristy and Jesse - Elf Costume - Christmas 2012

I also spent Christmas Day dressed as an elf. You see, if I have an excuse to wear a costume, I will - so I was a jingly, jangly, bell adorned elf for the day.

Christmas Dinner, 2012 - Rose Bay

We just had a small Christmas with my Dad's brothers and kids (my Mum's family were all spread out across the family) and whilst it wasn't a gluten free Christmas, I made sure I had a delicious feast by including my favourite Watermelon and Feta Salad! (also known as HOLY YUM!)

Just take spinach, chopped watermelon and feta cheese, salt and pepper and whatever else you fancy and mix it all up! I also like to add chopped apple and cucumber for some crunch.

And that's Christmas!

Don't worry - I'll be back with more recaps, you just have to stay tuned! If there's anything in particular you'd like to see - just let me know!! :) 

Now that I'm back home, I can't wait to get back to cooking and baking - so you can be sure that new recipes will be here shortly!

I know it's a bit late, but I'd love to know - what was the best thing you got for Christmas?

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