Hello my loves! Friday has rolled around again and I am so ready for the weekend! Jesse's been away almost all week so I can't wait to spend the long weekend with him before he goes away for work again on Wednesday.
Nevertheless, lots has been happening this week so let me catch you up! >>
Recent Joy; Blue skies, coffee catch ups with friends, satisfying workouts, evening strolls, puppy snuggles, new opportunities, soaking up God's word - this week has been full of goodness.
I was also overjoyed to receive a bunch of emails from you guys this week! We love hearing from you and your emails put a huge smile on my face - and then I tell Jesse all about them as soon as he gets home. One thing I've noticed though is almost every single email we get from readers says something along the lines of "I've been reading Southern In-Law for ages but I've never commented or emailed you before" so I just wanted to let you know you don't have to be shy!
I promise I won't bite! Don't be shy to leave a comment or send an email as hearing from you totally makes my day! Our comment system makes it super easy to leave a comment as well as you can comment as a guest by simply leaving your name and email and checking the "comment as guest" button! :)
Recent Garden Goodness; Well, Jesse ripped up our veggie patch (as a mouse got into it and it wasn't looking too pretty) so we've yet to replant that - but my frangipani trees are blossoming both in our front and back yards and they smell and look incredible.
The pink one always blooms first each year and I was so excited to see the yellow one in bloom when I walked out of the house yesterday! I love frangipanis so much that our bedroom is actually pink and orange/yellow and I matched the paint colour to an actual flower :P
Jesse would love for it to be white - but there's really no point in repainting our room right now so once we have a place of our own you can definitely expect a lot of neutrals :P
Recent Reminders; Whilst writing out some notes from my daily bible study (today I was looking at Job) this morning I was reminded of one quote in particular "Don't ever doubt in the dark what you knew to be good in the light" - it's an incredible reminder to trust in God's goodness and faithfulness even in times that are tough.
Recent Love; This NAJO Joyful Heart Bracelet is definitely making my heart joyful! I love love loveeeeeee NAJO jewelry and this bracelet is no exception! Plus, now's the time to start hinting for Valentines Day, ladies ;)

On the right is Trixie the day after we got her and above is Trixie this week.
We seriously fall more and more in love with her every day - even if yesterday she managed to find a bag of rubbish and spread it all over the entire house and today she constantly followed me watching my every move whilst I cleaned the house.
She's our little bundle of energy and she's getting snugglier and more relaxed by the day!
Recent Successes: I finally got around to publishing our Recipe Development Services Page. Productivity WIN!
Recent Purchases; I'm kinda, sorta, all kinds of obsessed with my Woodland Creature measuring cups from OzSale!
Recent Plans; This weekend is busy busy busy for us - with barbeques with friends, church, meetings, get togethers and Jesse and I are planning a picnic date night tomorrow evening!
Recent Favourite Posts; Here's what's been happening on the blog this week! Simply click the images to view the posts/recipes!
But tell me, how has your week been?
Anything exciting happen?
What are you currently loving?
Those flowers are unreal! So beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAnd your bracelet is beautiful too ;)
Thanks for sharing that quote--I'd heard it once before but forgotten it. And I love that bracelet. :)
ReplyDeleteAren't they gorgeous!? I always get so excited when they bloom!
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely an incredible reminder. The bracelet is definitely gorgeous - I haven't taken it off since I got it ;P