Helloooooo, Happy Friday!!!
Let's just say I'm so glad Friday is here because it has been one of those weeks where everyone needs everything done all at the one time and I'm looking forward to finishing all of my meetings today so I can get home and relax.
But it hasn't been all bad and I've got quite a bit to catch you up on
So let me catch you up on our week! >>
Recent Excitement: That we're going on vacation in 55 days!!!!
Seriously, I don't know if I'm a weirdo but from the moment I book flights, all I can think about is the vacation to come. I'm thinking about what we're going to do, where we'll eat, who we'll see, what I need to buy before we go, what rides we need to go on first at Disney, the list goes on and on.
And it's not anxiety driven (reading over that list sounds a bit like it, haha), it's more "right now life is so boring that i'm LIVING for my vacation" haha.
Meanwhile Jesse won't let me say anything about Disneyland to him because he is anti-spoilers for everything in life (the total opposite of type A planner me who loves a plan).
And speaking of vacations, both of us need new passports before we go (Jesse's will be just under 6 months until it expires when we come home and mine is in my maiden name) so we hurriedly did that on Monday morning after having passport photos taken on the weekend. Here's hoping they do indeed arrive in the 2-3 weeks they're supposed to. Yikes!
Recently Reading: A wholeeee lotta books - and wondering if I'll ever get through my TBR pile that constantly keeps on growing! Pictured above is The Lonely Hearts Cinema Club which I'd give 3 stars (great characters but the storyline was a little so-so).

Recently Downloading: The Pokemon Go app. I said I wouldn't, but I decided Jesse really needed to start walking more before we go to Disney (because I don't want him complaining about walking, haha!) and I knew Pokemon Go would be the perfect motivator so I downloaded it and we've been going for walks for an hour or more every day.
Also, if you play Pokemon Go, you can add Jesse and I and we'll send you all our gifts haha.
But I totally had to laugh yesterday when Jesse's FitBit got stuck on 9,999 steps for ages 🤣
Recently Watching: The Peter Rabbit movie. Oh me oh my, so cute and so so good! We loved it!
Recently Enjoying: Blue sky days! I have to admit, Sydney winters are very mild and lovely compared to the rest of the world. I always complain about winter but it's not that bad. Our house is really cold inside though so yesterday I took the laptop outside to work in the sun and it was lovely!
Recently Spotting: A wild Jesse-mon. Can you find him? He was trying to get a PokeStop, haha.
Recently Eating: A slice of my Healthy Paleo Lemon Bread Recipe. SERIOUSLY so ridiculously good. We're obsessed.
But tell me,
How has your week been?
What are you looking forward to this weekend?
And what kind of vacationer are you - do you like to plan things out or have everything be a total surprise?
I'm a planner - but not an over the top planner. I tend to make loose plans (except for the essentials - accommodation, flights etc) when we're on vacation so we can do all the things we want to do, but not feel stressed out. That way we just pick and choose what we want to do in the moment.

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