Hi, my name is Kristy and I'm just wiping February off the calendar because I have been terrible with keeping up with blog posts this month.
I have been insanely busy with so many new clients and work projects (and feeling so grateful for said clients!) whilst also navigating kitchen renovations changing, a sick husband, busy weekends and even finding termite damage in our house... SOOOOOO, there's that.
But I'm on a mission to redeem March - and since I've had three posts go viral this month, I should probably make sure I do that because I've had a few emails from people thinking I'm no longer blogging... but I'm here! Just swamped with work and feeling pretty frazzled!
That said, I do have a lot to catch you up on (and some bargains!) so let's jump into this post! >>
Recently Discovering: That as soon as the temperature drops, I gravitate to ALLLL the soft cosy things. Like... do I need this marshmallow soft cake plushy? Absolutely not. Was I tempted to buy it? Absolutely yes 😅 (And I found it on Amazon)
Recent Deliveries: Clearly we need a Disney trip because this Pluto onesie is so much fun 😅 It's from Kigurumi and my only complaint is that the legs are slightly too short for us... and we're not super tall (both Jesse and I are 5'7")
Recently Jealous: Of snow in Louisiana! Well... Jesse definitely is. I'm glad it's not that cold here, haha!
It never snowed when Jesse was living in Louisiana and literally the first Christmas after he moved to Australia it snowed and it's been snowing on and off every winter since.
We've been thinking of our friends and family in Texas and Louisiana with all the snow and ice lately though and are hoping that now things are warming up the damage isn't too severe!
Recently Buying: Disney Color Brain! Such a cute family friendly game! Find it on Amazon US or Amazon AU.
Recently Picking: Home grown tomatoes! This photo doesn't do it justice because that heirloom was HUGE - but I've been picking and eating tomatoes daily and they are so so good!
Recently Eating: Hello Fresh (not sponsored!). We got a discount code from a friend and we've been eating and loving it this week! I think I'll have to do a post on how we made it completely gluten free because I've been getting lots of questions, but essentially I just chose the "Naturally Gluten Free" options and then swapped out any of the ingredients with a "May contain gluten" statement (which is the reason they're labelled as not coeliac safe).
For most of the meals, that just meant switching the spice mixes for my own - and they were so easy to swap!
If you're interested in trying it for yourself, here's $50 off your first Hello Fresh Box. You can use the code on any meal plan - even the 3 meals for 2 people option which will see you paying just over $15 for the meals! Cheaper than groceries!
Recently Whoops: I weeded and feeded our back lawn the other day and I guess my application wasn't that even because this is the lawn situation, haha!
Recently Loving: When the puppies come for visits!
Recently Discovering: Termite damage... and finding out that our kitchen design will need to involve a structural column.
It seems that the termite damage is old as they had the house treated 15 years ago when they found damage, and they probably didn't see this damage because you'd only find it by taking a piece of the wall out... which we did when we checked for the beam.
As well as termite damage, we found the roof cavity is full of the original builder's junk. There were so many random timber scraps and bits of pieces they'd just thrown up there. So dodgy!
Recently Looking For: A coffee machine for the kitchen. I thought about a Nespresso but after looking at them at the Nespresso store, decided I might go for an actual espresso machine with grinder instead... but we'll see!
Recently Popular: Every year this post goes a little bit mental - and this year is no exceptional. These DIY Curious Bunny Pots for Easterare so easy to make and such a cute Easter gift or placecard holder!
I'm going to have to think up some new Easter crafts for this year as they're always so much fun to make!

This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
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